Choose your "weapon"

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Self explanatory.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Last Dance


*looks up French music to calm down*

These are the translated lyrics I found.

Last Dance

Oh my sweet torment,
No point in fighting, you start again
I'm just a worthless being
Without him I'm a bit troubled
I wander around alone on the subway
A last dance
To forget my great misery
I want to get away, everything to start again,
Oh my sweet torment
I stir the sky, the day, the night
I dance with the wind, the rain
A bit of love, a drop of honey
And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
And in the noise, I run and I'm afraid
Is this my turn?
Here comes the pain
In all of Paris, I abandon myself
And away I fly, fly, fly, fly
Nothing but hope
On this road in your absence
Try as I might, without you my life is nothing but a meaningless shiny decor
I stir the sky, the day, the night
I dance with the wind, the rain
A bit of love, a drop of honey
And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
And in the noise, I run and I'm afraid
Is this my turn?
Here comes the pain
In all of Paris, I abandon myself
And away I fly, fly, fly, fly
In this sweet torment
Whose offences I've paid in full
Listen to how great my heart is
I'm a child of the world
I stir the sky, the day, the night
I dance with the wind, the rain
A bit of love, a drop of honey
And I dance, dance, dance, dance, dance, dance
And in the noise, I run and I'm afraid
Is this my turn?
Here comes the pain
In all of Paris, I abandon myself
And away I fly, fly, fly, fly

Taken from

Monday, January 26, 2015

I made a mistake

BASICALLY, I decided to do nothing all weekend, and now I am STRESSED OUT WITH WORK.

I feel like this 24/7.

But, you know what they say:
                                            The more work you have, the more you get done.

People say that, right?

Of course.

We'll see.

Kitty Cat

I just want to share this.

It's in Italian, though, so I can't really understand, but I find the ending hilarious. I urge you to show it to someone, their reaction will be priceless.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Age? Not a problem!

We all have that one quirky, perky, (Phoebe-like, from the show friends) relative. Even if he/she falls for someone less than half their age.

That's acceptable.

Point is, we went to out to eat at this restaurant. And my 64 year old aunt sits next to me.

The waiter comes, and he's about 20- something. With broad shoulders and a sly smile on his face, he welcomes us. As soon as he leaves, my aunt bursts out laughing and yells out: "I'm in love!"

I look at her for a second, "I never believed the women in movies, where they swooned over a man so easily, but ah! I'm flustered!"

                       Yup. It did not end there, every time he passed by, her FOOD FELL FROM HER MOUTH. It was awfully adorable, she fell for him. She fell for him hard.

So he kept bringing us food and all that, so at one point, she looks at me darkly. "If he sticks his hand anywhere near me again, I will bite him."

This is my reaction:


And then he brings the check, she brings out her phone. I flinch, and look away.  My mind is raging! PLEASE DON'T. PLEASE.

Oh, but she did.

"Hey! Boy!" He smiles at her in response. "Beautiful, handsome boy, can I take a picture of you?" And his face goes an almost impossible shade of red. He shrugs uncertainly, AND I KNOW HE'S TRYING TO MEET MY EYE TO SEE IF THIS WAS A JOKE OF SOME SORT.



We walked outside, with a triumphant "Phoebe" and a picture of her love.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Do we have something in common?

Let's see!

High school.

school animated GIF  Yes, yes, I know.


disney animated GIF

ADVENTURES! Even if it's just down the street
fun animated GIF

Can't get enough books. Ever. photo Lotsofbooks_zps53eb0225.gif

cosplay animated GIF

Piano and cats. 

cat animated GIF


Welcome dear human! Or alien, time lord, hobbit, dragon, chosen one, demi-god, clockworks person, musician, detective, shadowhunter, and the list goes on...